⚠️Spoiler Alert: My endpoint is that you need to improve your WELLNESS. Because 100% of people are suffering in ways they don’t need to every day all day because they’ve decided they can’t improve or that it’s not worth it. But you CAN improve, it IS worth it so HERE WE GO!
🔥Multiple HOT TAKES incoming.
How you feel is EVERYTHING for Decision Making.
Even if you say you made a purely logical decision based on no emotions, that decision still came from your emotions. How? Because even your logic is based on an end goal: Goals like survival, happiness, peace, and freedom. The point is: Your goals were created by your emotions, so even if you make a 100% logical decision in the future based on those goals, those decisions will still have been based on your original emotions.
Even if you outsource your decision-making to an authority above you like your job or government, the decision was STILL based on feelings not logic. How? Well, that authority made the decision for you based on their own emotions, and you decided to let them make decisions for you based on your emotions too!
Point is: YOU are the ultimate decider about everything you do and everything you do will always come from your emotions PRIOR to your logic. Thus: How you FEEL is everything.
This philosophical revelation has many far-reaching effects on how someone will see their life so it is no small thing, but today I’d like to focus just on how this idea can improve your wellness.
That said, I can now make the next point!:
Wellness practices affect your emotions more than ANYTHING.
Wellness like sleep, food, water, fitness, social time, and relaxation have the MOST effect on your emotions. Though non-wellness things like your current life circumstance or your past life experiences have a large effect too. Ultimately though, where you are at, where you have been, and where you think you are going can ALSO be improved by wellness practices. So yet again even non-wellness things are affected by wellness. Thus, wellness affects your feelings more than anything we know!
With those 2 points made, THIS final point will ring more true:
YOU are in control of your body, mind, and life.
It’s difficult to control yourself, maybe the most difficult thing there is, but YOU are in control of your wellness practices which directly improve your mental state and life in every way. So if your mind and life are in shambles, even if you didn’t mean it, and even if life dealt you a bad hand, YOU are always the most responsible for your state of being, because YOU have full control over your wellness!
So this is a call from our highest self. The self that knows we are better than this. The self that knows there is a better path. We could be everything we want to be and more. The only thing in the way is….ourselves.
Hope that helps. Thank you for reading. Keep moving up, my friends!